Friday, 11 December 2015

Cats and cameras

This week I've received the following photos from José Manuel, my lynx-tracking friend in Doñana, of Jasper, the two-year-old male Iberian lynx we saw together a few days ago.

Jasper the week before I saw him
by José Manuel Bernal

Jasper as I saw him last week
by José Manuel Bernal

Jasper licking his paws after a rabbit breakfast
by José Manuel Bernal

Jasper as he left us
by José Manuel Bernal

I've also heard from Amith, my co-leader in Satpura, now working his first season in Dudhwa in North India. He kindly sends these evocative images of tigers he has recently seen there and (oh Amith, didn't you hurt me enough with the rusty-spotted cat photo?) of a fishing cat he saw. there too. There is no fishing cat on my list but I am thrilled my talented friend has seen one.

Tiger in Dudhwa by Amith Bangre

Tiger in Dudhwa by Amith Bangre

Fishing cat in Dudhwa by Amith Bangre
(Don't just send me one; show me one!)

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