Wednesday, 8 July 2015

A marsh tit at large

It seems an age since I returned to the UK from Asia. It seems a different marsh tit who was there. But there are photographs to show that I was there and from time to time my lovely clients send them to me. The first, of snow ninjas in the Rumbak Valley (the things you do to stay warm while looking for snow leopards), is by Richard Hurrell. The rest, from Tadoba and Kanha in Central India, are by Graham and Tina Nuthall. As always I'm in shorts in Central India and quite often I'm barefoot, my spindly legs waving from the side of the gypsy. When wearing sandals they are dangling, barely strapped from my feet. Some things never change.

Thanks to Richard, Tina, Graham and all my Asia clients in 2015, for their photos and for their humorous good company watching big cats in India.

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